Poniżej przedstawiamy Wam list od studentów z Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Ukraińskiego wraz z zaproszeniem na spotkanie on-line mającym na celu wzmocnienie solidarności w środowisku studenckim:
Dear colleagues and students,
Ukraine is living through a very difficult period of a full-scale aggression by Russia. Every day civilians are dying, infrastructure is being destroyed, babies are born under explosions. Our struggle continues, and we need your support.
Academic communities in various countries have reached out to us offering their solidarity and help.
We thought that one of the ways in which this solidarity could be strengthened, would be by organizing a couple of meetings between Ukrainian students and their foreign peers. We see this as an opportunity to share what Ukrainians are experiencing, how they are reacting to the war, how the situation looks like from abroad, and how people abroad can help to stop the war and support their peers in Ukraine.
Spotkanie odbędzie się 11 marca 2022 r. o godz. 17.00 w trybie online, poprzez platformę Zoom:
Meeting ID: 838 8436 6243
Password: 349182
Rejestracja: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyyvXzfL0JLuWCDHj-nYQiT5YNooj__gHVOMAnG1d3-u4_Gw/viewform
Aby otrzymać więcej informacji proszę o kontakt z przedstawicielami UCU:
Iryna Kitura: (irakit@ucu.edu.ua)
Andriana Hamar: (hamar@ucu.edu.ua)